Augustus Clark

Born:   Lakeport CA, USA, 1973

Resides and works in Eureka CA, USA

Education:  1991-1995:  Studio Art Major, bachelor’s degree, UC Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz CA, USA

Selected Exhibitions:

 2002-Present: Monthly Arts Alive Night and Seasonal Open Studios, Augustus Clark Studio, Eureka CA, USA

July 2023: “The Gus Garden”, Solo Outdoor Sculpture Installation, Outer Roominations, Table Bluff CA, USA

October 1997: “Power”, Group Show with Brian Tripp, Art Center Gallery, Eureka CA, USA

October 1996: “Rites of Flesh”, Group Show, CBGB’s Nightclub, New York NY, USA

Selected Collections:

Permanent Collection: Morris Graves Museum of Art, Eureka CA, USA

Mike Watt, San Pedro CA, USA

Augustus Clark is also widely collected in various national and international private collections


Fall 2022: Best In Show, Which Way the Wind Festival, Synapsis, Eureka CA, USA

Selected Publications:

 “Large Art in Small Places”, Ten Speed Press, 2009

“Art Is His Life”, Heather Shelton, Times-Standard, Nov. 16, 2018


Augustus Clark Studio

208 C Street, Eureka CA 

mailing address: 2818 D Street, Eureka CA, USA, 95501


Instagram: Augustus Clark Studio Painting

ArtStation: Augustus Clark

YouTube: Augustus Clark Channel


Phone: (707) 498 2612